Siadwell said well is my attempt at being clever as the name Siadwell is an anagram of said well. (If you can't see that check out the picture.)
The significance of the Siadwell name is that it is a name that my family are called by a group of my teammates who with us during the weekend meet up to play hockey and catch up at the local watering holes. All of the family are referred to by the name (although their is a slight corruption in the spelling); Mr Shadwell(Dad), Mrs Shadwell(Mum), Little Shadwells(Meg and I) and Mini Shadwell(My baby nephew).
If we trace the Siadwell name backwards the reason my Dad was first called it was for a sketch show with the character by the same name in it, (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Sparkes). This character's connection with my father is that he was primarily welsh and odd. Those family traits seemed to have been passed down to me.
'Said well' -- Wells have the dual function of being a source of liquid eg water as well as a place to store it. This blog is a well for my spoken thoughts a place of storage and a source of them for you to read I.e. A said well.
Hope you followed the explanation of the Siadwell Said well and it doesn't just make sense to me.....