How does that work "Ministry is People"?
Well it seems one of the big outlets of how this'll work for me this year is by meeting people individually and I suppose in some circumstances as groups. There are generally two other things required when I'm going to be meeting with people number 1 is the Bible and number 2 is fluid containing some drug either alcohol or caffeine.
People, Bible and a pint/coffee are the raw materials needed.
What does that form? Well hopefully an environment where people can ask questions and share what's going on in there life. But hopefully whether you define yourselves as Christian or not, believer in God or not we can look at the Bible and see what it has to say. I believe the bible to be alive and active and so it has a place for the Christian and the person who doesn't use that same title.
I hope over this coming year that I can share your company, that we can share a pint/coffee (yes I'll get the first round), And that we can read the bible together, as an encouragement or to answer questions and to work out those vague "big" questions of life which classically are done best over a drink with mates.
If you want to try the above then drop me a line by any communication you know how.
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