Tuesday 14 January 2014

One little Choice

I'm not sure when it occurred, I'm not sure how it occurred, but I know I made the choice..... But why?
For the past 4 1/2 years I've been happily enough studying Hockey (Medicine) at the University of Sheffield. However I decided to pause the progression of that sometime in 2013 which means that now in 2014 I have a different 9-5 Although I've been kindly informed that this will take up much more than my 9-5. (Indeed it may be a lot of hardwork!!

The choice..... To become a ministry trainee! What's that you ask? Well I propose that I put you in touch with one of them because I don't feel like one and I'm not too sure what it means. However I'm now laden with my decision that I've chosen to be one. I'm sure as it unfolds for me over the coming year if you keep reading this blog I'll be able to let you know, or ask me and I'll try and tell you what I know. At least it'll involve a bit of sport, a bit of admin, a bit of food, a bit of bible and a bit of prayer, some great highlights and probably some low points. A journey into the unknown perhaps..... But to be honest I'm not scared really by the unknown, because what I do know is that God is with me by his Holy Spirit.

Thank you for reading and please post any comments or advice.

Would be interested to know what you would do if you had the opportunity to press the pause button on your current circumstances and do something else for a year so please comment below.

P.s. You may be confused by the name I will explain it and the purpose of this blog in a future post.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing about your plans Owen - may God bless you this year and may you grow in the love of our Lord Jesus Christ. And if I could pause my life right now... I would travel around south America for a year :)
